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Teacher Training

Greenpath Yoga – Ashtanga Teacher Training 2024 with Clayton Horton

Part 1: 1-11 August Part 2: 22 August-1 September Starstreet Precinct – Wan Chai
The greatest happiness comes from helping others.
Teaching yoga is a service to all beings and is a contribution to our community and to the health of our world. Take the next step in your development with this well-rounded and comprehensive training programme.
This 200-hour course is for those who are already teaching, aspiring to teach, or simply wish to deepen their own practice. Students may take one or both modules.
Yoga Alliance Accredited School
PURE Yoga is a registered school with Yoga Alliance. Our teacher training programmes and teachers are internationally accredited, have exclusive recognition and qualify for the 200-hr Yoga Alliance Certification.
Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training programmes in the U.S and globally. Graduates of our programme are automatically eligible to register as a RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher) with Yoga Alliance. Becoming a RYT means having a higher profile and gaining international recognition as a yoga teacher, attributes that many hiring studios look for.
Mission Statement
We offer this training in an effort to grow our community of committed yoga practitioners, empowering those who demonstrate dedication to a personal practice, by sharing the knowledge, skills and tools we have learned so they too can start teaching yoga.
We intend to guide trainees toward a healthy self-confidence, while at the same time invoking in them a sense of humility and excitement, knowing that they are at the beginning of a long journey.








PURE Yoga是全美瑜伽聯盟授權註冊的學校,所提供的教師培訓課程及導師均為國際認可。完成後可獲得獨家認證,並頒發200小時瑜伽聯盟證書。







Module 1 – Asana Foundations: Refining your personal practice, asana alignment, correct breathing, meditation, pranayama, intelligent sequencing, how to be a good student, yoga philosophy, yogic lifestyle, history of Ashtanga Yoga.

Module 2 – Practice Teaching: Adjustments, classroom dynamics, the voice of the teacher, functional anatomy, ayurveda basics, intro to sanskrit, injury prevention, eternal lessons of the Bhagavad Gita.

• Ashtanga Yoga in the tradition of the Jois family of Mysore South India as well as simple restorative postures and mudras
• Daily morning practice of Ashtanga Mysore-style and Led classes with meditation and simple breathwork
• Study of Vinyasa; Correct breathing coupled with conscious movement, dristhi (looking place) and the internal energy locks, bandhas
• Proper technique & alignment for stability, safety, and ease
• Finding your teaching voice - verbal cues, authenticity and non-violent communication
• Classroom Dynamics - responding appropriately to what arises in the classroom, seeing the big picture
• Injury Prevention - learn how to instruct students in a safe manner and stay injury-free as a practitioner & teacher
• Adjustments - how, why, when and for whom? Become comfortable and confident with basic and verbal adjustments
• Prenatal Yoga - how to guide mums-to-be in a safe and supportive manner
• Sanskrit - learn basic counting and asana names of the Ashtanga Primary Series

Anatomy & Physiology
• Functional Anatomy - understand the relationship of muscles, bones, connective tissue and fascia
• Subtle Anatomy; the internal exploration of Chakras, Vayus, Koshas, and Nadis  
• Explore the key teachings of the Patanjalim Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita and other ancient texts
• History of Yoga - Yoga’s ancient history and the evolution of yoga into modern times
• Tantra, Vedanta, Buddhism, Ecology, and their relation to yoga
• The Tree of Yoga - Lineages, Gurus, and styles of yoga
Yoga Lifestyle
• How to be a good student
• Ethics - the moral foundation of the practice, Yamas and Niyamas, and non-violent communication
• Bhakti Yoga - Kirtan, devotional chanting, and mantra
• Business of Yoga - how to orient oneself and gracefully navigate the seas of today’s yoga biz, social media and online teaching
• Yogic Diet - Nutrition for the mind, body, and soul
• Ayurveda - an introduction to India’s ancient Science of Life

單元1  體式基礎: 個人練習的完善、體式正位、正確呼吸、冥想、調息、正念練習序列、如何成為一名好學員、瑜伽哲學、瑜伽生活方式、阿斯湯加瑜伽歷史。


單元2  實踐教學:調整、堂內動力、教師聲調、功能解剖學、阿育吠陀基礎知識、梵文入門、受傷預防、永恆的《薄伽梵歌》。



  • 阿斯湯加瑜伽是印度南部邁索爾城市喬伊斯家族的傳統,配合簡單的恢復體式和契合法
  • 每天早晨練習阿斯湯加邁索爾式課和口令(Led)課,配合冥想和簡單的呼吸練習
  • 學習串聯法(Vinyasa);正確的呼吸配合有意識的動作,凝視法(dristhi專注於某個地方)和內部能量鎖、收束法(bandhas)
  • 正確的技術和正位,以達到穩定、安全和輕鬆的效果



  • 找到自己在課堂的聲音——口令、真實性和溫和地溝通
  • 堂內動力——恰當應對課堂上的狀況,縱觀全局
  • 預防受傷——作為學員及教師,學習用安全的方式指導學員並避免受傷
  • 調整——如何調整、為何調整、何時調整、給誰調整?熟練掌握基本的、口頭調整方法,身心舒暢、充滿信心
  • 產前瑜伽——用安全的方式支持並指導准媽媽
  • 梵文——學習阿斯湯加初級序列的基本計數和體式名稱



  • 功能解剖學——瞭解肌肉、骨骼、結締組織和筋膜之間的關係
  • 精細解剖學;脈輪、氣、鞘和經脈的內部探索



  • 探索帕坦伽利《瑜伽經》、《薄伽梵歌》和其他古本的要點
  • 紀錄片《瑜伽的歷史》——瑜伽的古老歷史和現代瑜伽的演變
  • 密宗、吠檀多、佛教、生態學及其與瑜伽的關係
  • 《瑜伽之樹》——瑜伽的傳承、大師和風格



  • 如何成為一名好學員
  • 道德規範——練習的道德基礎、禁制/持戒(Yamas)、內制/精進(Niyamas)以及非暴力交流
  • 巴克提/奉愛瑜伽——Kirtan唱誦、虔誠吟唱和咒語
  • 瑜伽產業——如何在當今社交媒體和在線教學的大流中進行定位,並繼續前行
  • 瑜伽飲食——身心靈之養分
  • 阿育吠陀——介紹印度古老的生命科學
Module 1: Asana Foundations
1-11 August (Day Off: 6 August)

Module 2: Practice Teaching
22 August-1 September (Day Off: 27 August)

Weekday Schedule:
6:45am-9:00am: Mysore (open to Cardholder bookings)
9:30am-5:15pm: Study (including breaks)

Weekend & Public Holiday Schedule:
8:30am-11:00am: Mysore
11:00am-5:15pm: Study (including breaks)

All hours can be counted towards Yoga Alliance registration.


單元1  體式基礎:



單元2  實踐教學:







週末 及 公共節假日安排





Students must be familiar with and be able to practise the first half of the Ashtanga Primary Series. Clayton can suggest online classes for you to take if you are not able to come to his classes in person to prepare for the course. Students who are interested in participating should bear in mind that this will be a physically and emotionally demanding programme. It will require a strong commitment and personal sacrifice, as well as the support of the student's primary support network. We emphasise that this programme may not be for everyone.

Interested students must:

• Have a deep desire to learn and personally explore the deeper dimensions of yoga
• Have a minimum of 12 months of regular yoga practice
• Be free of major injuries going into the programme
• Have a coachable attitude
• Be fully committed and understand that 100% full attendance is required
• Be willing to forgo most other personal or professional commitments for the duration of the programme
• Commit to being drug- and alcohol-free during the training period
• Notify PURE if you’re undergoing any medication for any physical or psychological conditions before registering for the course






  • 渴望學習並親自探索瑜伽的更深層次
  • 至少定期練習瑜伽12個月
  • 參加課程時身體沒有嚴重傷患
  • 具有接受老師指導的態度
  • 須100%出勤率,全心投入並給予充分理解
  • 在課程期間願意犧牲大部分其他私人生活或工作時間
  • 承諾在培訓期間不吸毒、不酗酒
  • 如果您正在接受任何生理或心理疾病的藥物治療,請在報名參加課程之前告知PURE。

Born in Oklahoma, US, Clayton is an experienced and internationally known KPJAYI Certified Ashtanga yoga instructor. Clayton studied with masters Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and the Greensufi for 14 years, both of whom gave him great inspiration to practise daily and develop a yogic lifestyle. To Clayton, yoga is a healing path back to the self, allowing us to experience true peace and happiness. Being kind and living in balance with nature are qualities that continue to guide his life.


• Nutrition Science Online Associates Degree – Stanford Center for Health Education, 2020
• Gong Training Level 1 & 2 with Martha Collard, 2020
• Natural Yogic Treatment, Fasting Detox Coaching Training, 2020
• Certification in the practice of Bioresonance – Paul-Schmidt-Akademie, Lennestadt, Germany, 2017
• Initiation of Tantric Sadhana, Sahaj Meditation, Levels 1-6, Dada Dharmavedananda, Cebu, Philippines, 2012-2017
• Bioresonance Basic Therapy Course A and B – Bicom UK LLP, 2017
• Diploma of Basic Natural Therapy – Ananda Marga Yoga Wellness Center, Cebu, Philippines, 2016
• K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute, Certification, August 2016
• K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute Authorisation Level Two, June 2010
• K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Research Institute Authorisation Level One, January 2003


Clayton 出生於美國俄克拉荷馬州,是一名資深的、國際知名 KPJAYI (阿斯湯加瑜伽研究學院)的阿斯湯加瑜伽終生授權老師。他曾隨大師 Sri K. Pattabhi Jois和Greensufi學習了14年多,這兩位大師都給了他巨大的啓發,讓他堅持每天練習,並養成瑜伽的生活方式。對Clayton而言,瑜伽是一條回歸自我的療癒之旅,能體驗到真正的平靜與幸福。與人為善、與大自然和諧共處,是他的生活信條。



  • 營養科學線上副學士學位,Stanford Center for Health Education,2020
  • 銅鑼浴培訓(一級&二級),由Martha Collard指導,2020
  • 瑜伽自然療法、瑜伽斷食排毒法教師培訓,2020
  • 生物共振實踐認證——德國Paul-Schmidt-Akademie, Lennestadt,2017
  • 密宗薩達納(Tantric Sadhana)入門,霎哈嘉(Sahaj)冥想,1-6級,菲律賓宿務Dada Dharmavedananda,2012-2017
  • 生物共振基礎治療課程A和B,Bicom UK LLP,2017
  • 自然療法基礎文憑,菲律賓Ananda Marga Yoga Wellness Center,2016
  • 阿斯湯加瑜伽學院證書, Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute,2016年8月
  • 阿斯湯加瑜伽學院二級授權, Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute,2010年6月
  • 阿斯湯加研究所一級授權, Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute,2003年1月


Full Training: 

Super Early-Bird: HK$29,800 (Limited to the first 10 registrants)
Early-Bird 10% off: HK$33,300 (ends 30 June)
Regular Price: HK$37,000

Modular Drop-In – Either Module 1 or 2:
Early-Bird 10% off: HK$17,100 (ends 30 June)
Regular Price: HK$19,000



提早報名超級優惠:HK$29,800 (僅限首10位報名者)







Photos and video may be taken, solely for PURE marketing purposes.

Minimum Students
This programme requires a minimum of 15 students.

Early-Bird Discount
• Early-Bird Price: Applications to be sent in on or before 30 June 2024.
• Regular Price: Applications to be sent in starting from 1 July 2024.

• No refund or credit will be given for cancellations starting 1 July 2024.
• Valid refunds are subject to a 10% processing fee that will be deducted from your refund.
• All applications for refund (medical & emergency reasons) must be made within 3 days after the event finishes.

Healthy-licious juice cleanse offer from nood food
• HK$200 discount on nood food 3-Day Juice Cleanse for all yoga event registrants on training dates. Ask nood food staff at your event location for details.
• 10% off all nood food items for all yoga event registrants on dates of the training.

Contact & Enquiries
For enquiries, please email







  • 提早報名優惠:2024年6月30日截止(包括6月30日)。
  • 原價:2024年7月1日開始(包括7月1日)。



  • 自2024年7月1日起取消,將不予退款或積分。
  • 有效退款需扣除10%手續費,該手續費將從退款中扣除。
  • 所有退款申請(醫療和緊急原因)必須在活動結束後3天內提出。


nood food提供之健康美味的排毒果汁

  • 所有瑜伽活動報名者在培訓期間購買nood food食品可享95折優惠。



如有疑問,請聯繫 or

Will I be able to teach right after I graduate from this programme?
Yes. All the course materials taught in this course prepare students with all the foundational knowledge and skills needed to become yoga teachers. Some students take it to deepen their own personal practice, kick-start a life transformational experience, while others do it to immediately to start a teaching career. Others who do not want to proceed into teaching immediately would immerse into further trainings. More than half the students from our graduate programmes begin teaching friends, family, moving into part-time teaching in studios and then full-time teaching.

Will I be able to teach at PURE Yoga after graduating from this programme?
PURE Yoga is always open to applications and supports graduates from our programmes. We do have many teachers at PURE Yoga currently that are previous graduates. While we encourage graduates to apply with us, there is never a guarantee of job placement due to availability of openings or space within our studios. However, any graduates that apply with us are kept in our database and are advised if there are openings available.

Will PURE Yoga help with my Yoga Alliance application?
Upon successful graduation of our teacher training programmes, PURE Yoga will send the students a link to where they can apply for the Yoga Alliance certification. Our programmes and our school is Yoga Alliance accredited, meaning that students graduating from our programmes will “automatically” be approved when they apply to Yoga Alliance. From there, students will take their own steps in applying for Yoga Alliance – whether you are applying for 200-hour certification, 500-hour or so forth.

If I miss one day, will I be able to make up for it?
Students undergoing this programme must be fully committed and understand that 100% full attendance is required. They must also be willing to forgo most other personal or professional commitments for the duration of the programme – only with 100% attendance and completion of the course will students receive a certificate and no make-up of work will be given. Should there be any problems with this, students must speak with the faculty prior to the course and only under very special circumstances will it be considered.

Will I receive a certificate after the programme?
Upon successful completion, 100% attendance, and following the code of conduct – students will receive a Certificate of Completion from PURE Yoga for this teacher training programme.

*Please refer here for the full terms & conditions