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Teacher Training

Pre- & Post-Natal Yoga Teacher Training 2024 with Samantha Chan

12 July – 4 August, Pacific Place - Admiralty

Yoga’s emphasis on relaxation and body and breath awareness suits pregnant women’s perinatal fitness needs perfectly. Specialised pre-natal practices help them tune into the needs and changes of pregnancy and to promote relaxation and suppleness. This Pre- & Post-Natal Yoga Teacher Training is dedicated to:
瑜伽強調放鬆,以及身體與呼吸的自我覺察,非常適合孕媽媽生產前後的健康需求。專門的產前練習能幫助準媽媽們調適懷孕時的需求與變化,有助於身體放鬆並提高柔軟度。 這個瑜伽師資訓練課程,乃是:

• Physically, emotionally and spiritually nurturing expectant mothers, birth partners & their unborn child

• Encouraging practitioners to unfold the body-mind-spirit connection that is vital to the practice of yoga

• Passing on these experiences to future mothers, parents & their unborn child

This training offers an in-depth review of the anatomy and physiology of pregnancy, labour and birth. Trainees will gain extensive experience with asanas well-suited to pregnant women and a thorough understanding of contraindications during pregnancy. The training will attune teachers to the profound physical, emotional, mental and spiritual transitions of pregnancy and birth and demonstrate how tools such as chanting, pranayama, deep relaxation and meditation can be effective ways of coping with these changes. 是次培訓可助您深入了解懷孕、分娩與生產期間的解剖學與生理學。學員將體驗多種適合孕婦的體位法,充分了解孕期的禁忌。訓練課程幫助教師了解懷孕與生產期間,身體、情緒、精神與心靈的深層轉變,並示範吟唱、調息法、深度放鬆與冥想等工具如何有效因應這些變化。

This course is delivered using a combination of face-to-face lectures, practicum, your own research, observation of classes, teaching practice, and assignments. 課程的進行方式結合了面對面授課、應用實習、自我研究、課堂觀察、教學練習與作業。

Certification 認證
The course is fully registered with Yoga Alliance. Completion of this course will allow you to become a Yoga Alliance Registered Pre-Natal Yoga Teacher (RPYT). Upon completion of this course and all assignments, students will be awarded a certificate of participation. 本課程已在瑜伽聯盟註冊,完成本課程將使您成為瑜伽聯盟註冊產前瑜珈老師(RPYT)。 完成本課程和所有作業後,學員將獲得參與證書。

Yoga Alliance Accredited School 瑜伽聯盟認證學校
PURE Yoga is a registered school with Yoga Alliance. Our teacher training programmes and teachers are internationally accredited, have exclusive recognition and qualify for the 200-hr Yoga Alliance Certification. PURE Yoga是瑜伽聯盟註冊的學校。我們的教師培訓計劃和教師均獲得國際認證,擁有獨家認可並有資格獲得200小時瑜伽聯盟認證。

Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training programmes in the U.S and globally. Graduates of our programmes are automatically eligible to register as an RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher) with Yoga Alliance. Becoming an RYT means having a higher profile and gaining international recognition as a yoga teacher, attributes that many hiring studios look for. 瑜伽聯盟是美國和全球瑜伽教師和培訓計劃的國際理事會。在我們課程畢業的學員將自動有資格在瑜伽聯盟註冊成為RYT(註冊瑜伽老師)。成為RYT意味著擁有更高的知名度並獲得國際認可,因為瑜伽老師的品質是許多瑜伽工作室所尋求的。

Mission Statement 使命宣言
We offer this training in an effort to grow our community of committed yoga practitioners, empowering those who demonstrate dedication to a personal practice, by sharing the knowledge, skills and tools we have learned so they too can start teaching yoga. 我們提供此培訓是為了發展我們的瑜伽士社群,透過分享我們所學的知識、技能和工具,為那些表現出奉獻精神的個人練習者提供幫助,以便他們也可以開始教授瑜伽。

We intend to guide trainees toward a healthy level of self-confidence, while at the same time invoking in them a sense of humility and excitement, knowing that they are at the beginning of a long journey. 我們打算引導學員建立健康的自信水平,同時激發他們的謙卑感和興奮感,因為他們知道自己正處於漫長旅程的開始。

Module 1 單元一: Pre-Natal Yoga 產前瑜伽
This module provides each student with an in-depth knowledge of pre-natal yoga, helping them foster a deeper personal consciousness and inner self-awareness. We focus on providing our teachers with a balanced understanding of the emotional and psychological journey into motherhood as well as the relevant and precise anatomy and physiology. This enables our teachers to guide women into their own intuition with integrity and awareness. 此單元教導學員深入了解產前瑜伽,培養更深層的個人意識與內心的自我覺醒。課程焦點在於提供均衡的知識,幫助教師了解孕期的情緒與心理歷程,以及與孕期相關的解剖學與生理學。好讓教師能引導孕婦透過完整意識進入自我覺察。

• Asanas, pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation, and other yogic practices for pregnancy through direct experiential learning

• Common complaints, contraindications and conditions during pregnancy, and skills on how to adapt your teaching safely

• Modifications and adjustments for different trimesters & different levels of experience in a pre-natal yoga class

• Aromatherapy for pregnancy – apply knowledge and skills of aromatherapy to help women cope with physiological and psycho-emotional discomforts in pregnancy
孕期香薰使用 – 行用有關香薰的知識與技巧,幫助女性應對懷孕生理與心理情緒的不適。

• Safe, effective and inspiring teaching methods for a pre-natal yoga teacher

• Organisational skills, communication skills, planning, presentation, evaluation, and structure of a pre-natal yoga class

Module 2 單元二: Post-Natal Yoga 產後瑜伽
This module teaches the skills to build a foundation of physical, emotional and spiritual health from which women can flourish as mothers and in all the roles they play. It will also cover some practical techniques to help them feel centred, give them a more positive outlook, and provide simple tools to empower themselves throughout their day on and off the mat. 本單元可協助女性奠定身體、情緒與心靈的健康基礎,進而勝任其所扮演的母親與各種角色。課程內容涵蓋實用技巧,幫助母親更為沉穩平靜、賦予積極正面觀點,並提供瑜伽墊上日常練習的簡單工具。

• Anatomy and physiology of post-natal women – hormonal changes, pelvic floor recovery, birth trauma
產後婦女的解剖學與生理學 ─ 荷爾蒙的改變、骨盆腔底的復原、生產創傷

• Specific post-natal yoga practice and principles – safety issues, maternal posture, core strength, relaxation
特定的產後瑜伽練習與原則 ─ 安全議題、產婦體位、核心肌群強度、放鬆

• Teaching skills for post-natal yoga

• Benefits of yoga in the post-natal period

• Reflection on birth, mother and baby attachment, feeding, the spectrum of emotions following birth, and post-natal depression

• Common physical and emotional complaints and ailments after labour

• Aromatherapy for postpartum mothers – apply knowledge and skills of aromatherapy to help women cope with physiological and psycho-emotional discomforts and postpartum issues
產後媽媽香薰療法 – 運用芳香療法的知識和技巧,幫助女性應對生理和心理情緒的不適和產後問題

• Importance of housekeeping and environment, class format options, venue, advertising, and health and safety
Module 3 單元三: Yoga for an Active Birth順產瑜伽
This final module is only open to those who have completed Modules 1 & 2. This course will offer a deeper understanding of birth and the ways in which women and couples can prepare for this by offering insight, movement, breath and positioning, as well as many other tools that can help during the stages of labour. 完成第一、第二單元的學員,才能參加第三單元的課程。本課程將提供分娩階段的相關知識、動作、呼吸法、姿勢與其他工具,讓孕婦或夫婦對生產有更深入的了解,作更完善的準備。

• Anatomy and physiology of birth

• Different roles of a birthing partner

• An in-depth understanding of the different stages of labour

• Importance of birth hormones

• Optimal positioning and use of movement to help during the different stages of labour

• Breathing and relaxation techniques for mothers and birthing partners

• Use of sound, visualisation and meditation to help during labour

• Strategies for implementing active birthing techniques in hospital settings

• Aromatherapy for labouring – apply knowledge and skills of aromatherapy to help women cope with physiological and psycho-emotional discomforts during labour
產後媽媽香薰療法 – 運用芳香療法的知識和技巧,幫助女性應對生理和心理情緒的不適和產後問題

Full Training 完整課程:
12 July-4 August 2024
7 月 12日至8月4日

Module 1單元一 Pre-Natal Yoga產前瑜伽 12-14 July (7月12-14日,週五至週日)
Module 2單元二 Post-Natal Yoga產後瑜伽 20-21 July (7月20-21日,週六及週日)
Module 3單元三 Yoga for an Active Birth 順產瑜伽 27-28 July & 3-4 August (7月20-21日,週六及週日)

Daily Schedule 日程表

Commitment, determination and good health are the basic requisites. Students must be prepared to make personal sacrifices in order to achieve 100% course attendance. 承諾、決心和身體健康是基本條件。學員須準備好作個人犧牲,以達到100%課程出席率。

Applicants need申請人需要:
• To be dedicated to the practice of yoga.

• To either be yoga teachers, yoga teacher trainees or health care professionals who have a great interest in knowing more about the benefits of pregnancy yoga.

• To be a woman. Men can teach great pregnancy classes – but we believe that for pregnancy yoga to be a transformative experience, leading women to discover their power as women and mothers, classes need to be facilitated by women.

• It is not necessary to have children in order to safely and beautifully teach pre-natal yoga. All that is needed is sincere interest and desire to learn more about pregnancy & the birthing process.

Samantha Chan
Samantha began her journey in yoga to deepen her personal practice and expand her knowledge of yoga. What started in 2005, with her first teacher training programme, transformed into a lifelong journey of learning, opening, sharing and teaching. Samantha’s vision and knowledge have grown to include not only yoga, but also managing, planning, women’s health, life balance, and total wellness. She enjoys her friendships, family, pottery, photography, reading, hiking, travelling and food.



Samantha’s inspiration comes from each of her past teachers but also includes her students as well. She believes watching students practise yoga increases her understanding of the complete benefit of yoga for a happy and healthy life. This enables her to continually grow as she teaches. In addition to her foundational Hatha Vinyasa teacher training, she has also expanded into Pregnancy Yoga, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Infant Massage and Kids Yoga. Samantha的靈感來自她過去的每一位老師,但也包括她的學生。她相信觀看學生練習瑜伽,可增加她對「瑜伽對快樂健康生活的全部好處」之理解,這使她能夠在教學中不斷成長。除了基礎的哈達流瑜伽教師培訓外,她還擴展到懷孕瑜伽、陰瑜伽、恢復瑜伽、嬰兒按摩和兒童瑜伽。


Samantha is particularly focused on teaching which allows for the progression of students at their own pace. Her teaching method is very approachable with a steady and calm style that hides her nickname as ‘Killer Sam’.  She has an enduring quality of making students work, raising their practice to higher and higher levels, without them even feeling it was all work and no play. She is down-to-earth and this personality trait is her ethos in life as well as her teaching. Samantha 特別注重教學,讓學生能以自己的步調進步。她的教學方法非常平易近人,風格沉穩冷靜,隱藏著她「Killer Sam」的綽號。她有一種特質能讓學生們投入練習,提高到越來越高的水平,而他們甚至不會覺得這只是工作。她腳踏實地,這種性格特質既是她的處世之道,也是她的教書育人之道。




Yoga Education 教育

  • Yin/Insight Yoga Secondary Level Training with Sarah Powers (40 hours), 2023
  • Shoulder Intensive Teacher Training, Yoga Medicine (55 hours), 2023
  • Yoga Medicine Nervous System & Restorative Yoga Teacher Training with Yoga Medicine (55 hours), 2022
  • Yin Yoga Teacher Training (Acupressure, AcuYin & Hip Anatomy II) with Yinspiration (60 hours), 2022
  • Restorative Yoga Teacher Training with Yoga & Ayurveda Center (25 hours), 2020
  • Restorative Yoga Teacher Training with Bliss Baby Yoga (28 hours), 2020
  • Yin Yoga Teacher Training (Myofascial Release & Spine Anatomy) with Yinspiration (50 hours), 2016
  • Mastering the Art of Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training with Jason Crandell (50 hours), 2016
  • Diploma in Birthlight Perinatal & Postnatal Yoga Teacher Training with Birthlight UK, 2015-2016
  • Yoga Bou Teacher Training with Michiko Minegishi, 2015 
  • Wall Rope Yoga Training Level 1 (Iyengar based) with Bryan Legere (35 hours), 2014
  • Insight Yoga Teacher Training Intensive with Sarah Powers (70 hours), 2012
  • Pregnancy, Birth and Baby Yoga Teacher Training with The Yoga Space Australia (95 hours), 2011-2012
  • Yin Yoga Teacher Training with Paul Grilley (30 hours), 2011
  • Yin/Yang Teacher Training Intensive with Sarah Powers (25 hours), 2010
  • POET for Yoga Anatomy with Ellen Heed (31 hours), 2009
  • Diploma in Yogakids Facilitator, CYKF with Yoga Kids International (32 hours), 2009
  • Foundations YogaKids Facilitator Training and Certification Program with Yoga Kids International (32 hours), 2008
  • Hatha Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training with Yoga Limbs, Hong Kong (250 hours), 2006


Other Studies 其他學習

  • Slings Myofascial Training Foundation Education with Art of Motion (56 hours), 2018
  • Integrative Nutrition Health Coach with Institute for Integrative Nutrition USA, 2016
  • Reiki I, II & Master Certification with Joyce Thom, 2013-2015
  • Raw Food Chef and Health Educator Certification, Level 1-3, 2013-2014
  • Certification in Infant Massage with International Association of Infant Massage, Sweden, 2014


Early-Bird Discount (ends 10 June)

提早報名優惠 (截至6月10日)

Regular Price原價

Full Training完整課程: 
12 July-4 August (7 月 12至8月4日)



Module 1單元一: Pre-Natal Yoga產前瑜 
12-14 July (7月12-14日)



Module 2 單元: Post-Natal Yoga 產後瑜
20-21 July (7月20-21日)



Module 3單元: Yoga for an Active Birth 順產瑜
27-28 July & 3-4 August (7月27-28日及8月3-4日



Photos and videos may be taken, solely for PURE marketing purposes. 



Event Language活動語

Cantonese & English粵語及英語


Minimum Number of Students最低學生人

A minimum of 8 students is required. 最少需要15名學生


Refunds/Cancellations 退款/

  • No refund or credit will be given for cancellations starting 11 June 2024.



  • All refunds are subject to a 10% processing fee that will be deducted from your refund.

所有退款將被扣除 10% 的行政費用。


  • A refund (only for medical and emergency reasons) must be made within 3 days with a valid proof after the event finishes.醫療及緊急原因退款申請必須在活動結束後 3 天內提出並提供有效證明。


Special Offer from nood food

10% discount on lunch specials for all yoga event registrants on dates of the workshop.

在工作坊期間,所有參與工作坊學生均可享受 nood food午餐特價9折優惠。


Special Offer from KURIOS

15% off on all KURIOS regular-priced products for all yoga event registrants on dates of the workshop.


To register, please contact PURE Yoga Pacific Place.

歡迎到PURE Yoga太古廣場分店或接待處報名


*If there is any discrepancy between the printed and web versions, the web version shall prevail. 


Yoga experience

Pure Yoga Cardholders can opt to have their contracts temporarily suspended for the duration of the course. Please check YES if you would like to have your account suspended. Suspension period is on a monthly basis. You can choose the start day of your suspension. You are able to reactivate your account any time by filling in a reactivation form at the studio.
Should you wish to join any classes during the training, you will receive 50% off the regular price for drop-ins

*Please refer here for the full terms & conditions
